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Money Grows Tree

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Your network will enable you achieve higher networth

Both network and networth are essential terms for the wealthy. The former refers to your contact list of associates, partners, friends and acquaintances cultivated over the course of one’s lifetime while the latter is one’s actual wealth as a product of what assets one has less what one owes.
Building your network eventually leads to an increase in your networth. This is because on the road to wealth you will need people and connections. No one just stumbles onto wealth without the help or input of others. Everyone who is wealthy at onetime or the other was aided, mentored and assisted by someone in their network. Yours will be no different.
It is commonplace to hear people bemoan the lack of connections as a stumbling block in their pursuit of wealth. This statement is untrue because everybody has connections. Take time to cultivate the people you schooled with, the colleagues you met on various jobs, your neighbours, co-worshippers in your religious denomination and you will be amazed that you have connections.
In order to cultivate connections start with carefully collecting the cards of everyone you meet. Stop throwing complimentary cards away! Ensure that within 2 weeks of collecting the card you get in touch with the person to refresh the contact. Don’t start by asking them for anything. Instead make conversation and make it a short one.
Keeping in touch without being intrusive or desperate will definitely resonate with your contacts. Within a short while they may begin to discuss business challenges and opportunities in your field during phone calls to them which you can politely recommend a solution.  People who recommend solutions will eventually have opportunities to be of service to others and voila connections are established.
The onus is on you to invest in improving your professionalism and service delivery. Satisfied clients will draw others your way who also enter your network and more business is the result. Even those who may not be influential for now may become so in the future so don’t underestimate anyone.
It is also important to include that your network should also include those outside your field as there may be opportunities in other areas. Build contacts in every area where possible. Before long as you cultivate your network your networth will enter the realm of substantial wealth!


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