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Saturday 22 October 2016

How to Start Making Money on MMM?

So, you have decided to participate in MMM. What to do? It’s very easy! Just follow the steps below.
  1. Register at the website.
  2. Enter your Personal Office.
  3. There will be two big buttons. “Provide help” and “Get help”.
  4. If you want to contribute money, click “Provide help” and specify the amount you want to put into the system. The minimum amount is $10 & multiple of $10.
  5. You immediately get MAVROs in your Personal Office (MAVRO is the internal currency of the system)
    However, as soon as you get MAVROs you won’t be able to sell them till they are unconfirmed as you still haven’t transferred money but only created the request.
  6. Participants are invited to take part in offline activities. For example, to stick leaflets with the symbols of the Community, distribute flyers, arrange a home visit. Performing offline tasks, Usually offline actions are harder and more efficient, and therefore the mavro you get for them is higher!

    The execution of offline tasks will bring you some additional mavro (the rate will be stated in the description of the task in your PO). Upon completion of the task you will need to submit a photo or video report.
The main types of offline tasks:
- holding a meeting (2-3 persons, except for the Organizer) and recording it on video:
- meeting (4-5 persons, except for the Organizer) with a video report:
- meeting (6 or more persons, apart from the Organizer) with a video report:
- posting/distributing leaflets and the stencil with a photo-report:
- posting/distributing leaflets and the stencil with a video report:
- conducting a photo shoot with a photo-report:
- conducting a photo shoot with photo- and video-reports:

Your mavro depends on the task successfully you do. Results are not typical, but achievable. Your results will depend on how you work and build your community.

  1. Then you’ll get the order in your PO including all bank account details of the person you should transfer money to.The order also contains contact details of the person so you can get in touch with him or her to make sure that it’s a real person and participant as you.

    In MMM there is no central account where all participants’ money accumulates (and where it can be stolen). All transfers are carried out between the participants directly. It means that everything is quite clear and transparent. MMM plays the role of the operator that helps to establish the contact between the participants.
  2. Transfer money to the participant. He or she confirms the receipt and your MAVROs become “confirmed”. That’s it! Now you can sell them whenever you want, total amount or a part of it.
  3. If you want to sell your MAVROs click “Get help” and specify the amount.
    Other participant will receive the order and will send you the money (provide help). As you did earlier! Don’t forget to confirm the receipt of help as soon as the money is on your bank account (But no earlier! Be careful with frauds!). If you don’t do it the sender’s MAVROs won’t be confirmed.
  4. You can read the detailed rules of system on the page “What is MMM”.
At the beginning we recommend contributing a small sum of money that isn’t critical for you and go through the process from the start to the end. From the registration to getting help. Therefore, everything will be clear and there won’t be any doubts. for more info contact me on whatsapp number 2348060336028

Friday 21 October 2016

What Your Favorite '90s Outfit Says About You

'90s Week, Fashion
It's the belief of many a nostalgia expert and WB network devotee that the '90s never died. The heart of the decade has always been beating, biding its time with slowly reincorporating chokers into mainstream culture and just waiting for Netflix to start producing television shows.
And now is the '90s heyday. Its spirit is alive and well and everywhere you look. That doesn't mean that everything from the Greatest Decade holds up perfectly, of course. Pogs and JNCO jeans have no place in our current society. But we can still gain knowledge and insights from looking back at the most popular moments of the '90s. 
Today we look at a few particular outfits. There are some looks from the decade's best movies and TV shows that have come to be known as iconic, and we all have a favorite. Some of us still die over everything that Cher wore in Clueless. Others find themselves oddly emulating Stephanie Tanner on a daily basis. And whichever is your personal fave, we know exactly what that says about you.
Yes, we are fashion psychics, and have insights that you could only dream about, culled from just a few pieces of neon clothing. Pick out your most treasured iconic 'fit below, and prepare to be amazed. 
'90s Week, Fashion, Felicity
Your favorite American Girl doll was Molly. You went to college to, like, learn. You're a sucker for latte art, especially when it's fall and the art is in the shape of a leaf, and also especially when the barista making the latte art has a perfect 5 o'clock shadow. You're a big city lover and are always looking for your next adventure. You're independent and don't mind doing things on your own, but you'd ultimately rather be with a friend or a boyfriend than with a book. You carry a backpack half for the convenience and functionality of it and half for the fact that they look cool. All the salespeople at Madewell know you by name, but the joke's ultimately on them because all your old clothes from the '90s are still cool and you haven't had to buy shoes in two decades.
'90s Week, Fashion, Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion
You've had the same best friend since you were 14. When given the choice of two cities to go on vacation, you always choose Vegas. You have a signature dance move to use every time you go to the club, and God have mercy on the soul of the person who tries to copy it. You always identified the most with Samantha when you watch Sex and the City, except that one time when Carrie was dating Berger and they sucked at sex and she got drunk and wore those furry shoes. As a child you were super jealous of the Olsen twins and how they perfectly coordinated, but didn't fully match, their outfits. You never stopped wearing chokers, and you held onto your butterfly clips just in case they come back in style. You always give at least one white lie when you're talking to a stranger, but who cares because they'll never find out you didn't scuba dive the Great Barrier Reef.
'90s Week, Fashion, Hocus Pocus
You have a tarot card reader and an astrologist on speed dial. You've considered shelling out for a full-on psychic at least once. Eyeliner is your best friend. You would literally never be caught dead without eyeliner. You probably want to have kids one day, but for the time being they annoy the crap out of you. You're definitely a dog person...don't even talk to you about cats. You can tell by looking at someone whether or not they're a virgin. You have a monthly subscription to Yankee Candle Company, but you don't always buy the seasonal scents. That said, you're not not going to get at least one Pumpkin Buttercream. You're only human (or ARE YOU?). You keep a fully stocked candy jar at your desk, and your favorite season is whenever it's cold enough to wear velvet. 
'90s Week, Fashion, Clueless
You could debate the topic of who is the greatest living pop diva for hours. The best day of your year was when Mariah Carey insisted she didn't know who Jennifer Lopez was. You've already tweeted the I-don't-know-her GIF at least twice. You're able to talk your way out of any debacle...but you hardly find yourself in those in the first place. You really don't like working out, but you do have a membership to your local barre class. You like it because you can go get a juice or a coffee afterwards and you don't look all sweaty and gross. You don't know how to cook but you'd, like, totally love to learn. You still use a Blackberry, and Apple is going to have to pry it out of your cold, dead hands, discontinuation be damned. 
'90s Week, Fashion, Clarissa Explains It All
Girls is your favorite current TV show, and Lena Dunham is your spirit animal. You never met a thrift shop you didn't like—but you've been wearing the same pair of Doc Martens since 2002. They only get better with age! If you look closely, you'll see those pins on your vintage leather jacket are actually from the Hillary Clinton campaign store. You own every product that Apple has ever made. You were the Groomswoman in your best high school guy friend's wedding. You're a monthly donor to Women Who Code...but you don't actually code. The theme of your apartment's decor could be described with the phrase "found objects." Sometimes people at work think you're rude, but you're just trying to get to the point. What's with all the small talk these days anyways? Plus, you don't really like them because they wear way too much beige. 
'90s Week, Fashion, Pretty Woman
You spend an ungodly amount of money on boutique spinning classes every month and you'll be darned if you don't show off the fruits of your labor every once in a while. You follow the principle of mixing high and low in your outfit choices, but also in your non-fashion life. You might be cooking up a batch of Julia Child's Boeuf Bourguignon tonight, but you're gonna crack open a beer to pair with it. You have a special place in your heart for silver foxes—hello Ed Harris and Anderson Cooper!—and any song by Prince
You're never against making a dirty joke, regardless of whether you're at a bar with your friends or in a meeting with top management at work. You've got a great sense of humor, and anyone who doesn't get it will just have to deal. Now, if we'll excuse you, your boots are killing you.

Jason Sudeikis: Olivia Wilde Had a False Alarm Before Giving Birth (and Beyoncé Was Involved)

Harry Connick Jr., Jason Sudeikis
Harry/Paul Zimmerman
Jason Sudeikis has his priorities in order.
Harry Connick Jr. didn't fault the actor for canceling his Harry appearance last Tuesday. And how could he, as Jason welcomed a daughter, Daisy Sudeikis, with fiancée Olivia Wilde? "I was supposed to be here at 4," the 41-year-old Son of Zorn star explained when he returned Friday. "She came out at 3:39. She does not care about show business, but she will!"
Days before Olivia, 32, gave birth, she had a false alarm.
Olivia Wilde, Daisy Josephine Sudeikis, Instagram
"We came really close," Jason told Harry. "Daisy was born on Tuesday, but on Friday night, [Olivia] and I were going out—date night. This is how confident of a lady Olivia is: She's like, 'Date night, we're going to go see Beyoncé.' So, we were in line to get in the Lincoln Tunnel and there was an accident in there. Everything was gummed up, so it was going to take us like an hour to get through the tunnel, and we would have been a half hour late to the concert, which would have been a bummer because we would miss all the choreography and fireworks."
Jason and Olivia decided to turn around, and that's when her contractions started.
"I don't know if it was the pressure, if it was the traffic, or the fact that we were going to be late. It was just bad in the back seat of the car," he said. "We U-turned and got it out of there. We figured it would be a bad scene to have the baby in a tunnel—and a little redundant!"
The couple then "hightailed it to Upper East Side where the hospital was, got out of the car walked around neighborhood a little bit. Then, Daisy calmed down. I think she was just fired up," he said. "Just sitting there doing the ['Single Ladies'] dance, like, 'I know where I'm going!'"
Olivia announced Daisy's arrival Oct. 15 via Instagram.
She and Jason are also parents to Otis Sudeikis, 2. The proud dad even brought a video of his son playing guitar and singing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star," saying, "He's going Kurt Cobain, Paul McCartney, Jimmy Hendrix." Does Otis want a gig on Harry? "Yeah, probably," Jason joked. "I don't think he knows what that is, but I'd love for him to bring in a steady paycheck.

Thursday 20 October 2016

Khloe Kardashian's New Denim Line Is a Major Step for the Fashion Industry

Khloe Kardashian, Good American Denim Launch
HL Group
In the world of women's shopping, there are many empty promises. 
Creams guarantee wrinkle-free faces. Lingerie teases supermodel-esque attention. Lipsticks vow a kissable pout. 
The empty promises are more noticeable when it comes to the plus-size portion of the industry. While sizing for all is becoming more of a mainstream notion (what a novel concept, right?) thanks to the likes of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit covergirl Ashley Graham and Lane Bryant's empowering intimates campaigns, the industry's efforts still come with frustrating fine print. 
SNL even recently poked fun at this not-so-funny reality when they spoofed a commercial for Chonk, an unflattering women's brand for "unique bodies." Though it was a scripted sketch for late-night television, it's backhanded theme is alive and well in real life. 

Sure, retail companies like H&M and Forever 21 offer items in bigger sizes, but they're often hidden in the back of their brick and mortar stores or relegated to online-only sales as if they're a dirty, little secret.  
In other cases, products sized 14 and over (the average size of women in America today) are not crafted equally to their smaller counterparts. The fabrics are cheaper, the prices are higher and the designs do not mirror the others in the collection. 
This was all until Khloe Kardashian dipped her toes into the retail world. 

The 32-year-old star has become just as famous for her body image and fitness commitments as she has for her reality show family. While her A-list lifestyle may feel disconnected from the average woman, her struggles to fit society's physical expectations of her ring all too familiar for many.
"I definitely think the fashion industry, and people in general, look at me more now that I've lost weight," she once told Harper's Bazaar. "Even on shoots, I would never have options for clothing. There would always be this attention on Kourtney [Kardashian] and Kim[Kardashian], but I was too much work for [stylists] or they had nothing in my size."
Even private shopping trips became dreadful chores. "When I used to shop for denim at a lot of boutiques, they only go up to a size 8 or 10 and that's like gasping," she told E!'s Zanna Roberts Rassi.
HL Group
 "I was a 12 at the time and I would get so embarrassed going with my sisters. I didn't wear denim for a long time, so then when I started getting a little more in shape, I think that's why I probably live in denim now because I missed out on a lot of years in it but I was like, that isn't fair to so many women."
As fate would have it, Kardashian's newly launched line of denim, Good American, is fair to so many women. The label, which she co-founded with marketing mogul Emma Grede, was designed with a "curvier, sexier and stronger shape" in mind and caters to sizes 0 to 24—ensuring most ladies looking for premium denim will be able to find their size. 
There's no fine print here, either. The styles range from dark, skinny and ripped to light and loose—whether it's a size 2 or a size 22. The best part? There's no price difference between the two. 
To further drive home the brand's wearability, during the launch of the line on Wednesday in Los Angeles, models of all sizes, shapes and heights lined the stage in the pants—with big, seemingly genuine smiles on their faces. 
It's clear she's tapped into a concept women of all sizes have been begging retailers to understand for decades.
"Even if youre a little bigger, you still want to be trendy and cute and show off your curves," Khloe told E! News. "Curves are sexy and that's something we should embrace rather than discriminate against."

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Eminem Returns With Surprise Political Rap "Campaign Speech" and Teases New Album

Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images
Eminem is back.
The famed rapper, whose real name is Marshall Mathers, dropped a surprise rap Wednesday in the midst of election season. The nearly eight-minute-long song, titled "Campaign Speech," discusses Donald Trump, Colin Kaepernick, police brutality and Apple Watches. The explicit song features multisyllabic rhymes over a minimal beat and wastes no time getting to the point.
"Dressing George Zimmerman in a florescent orange dress and four inch heels/To address the court with a bulls-eye on his back/His whole chest and torso left on the doorstep of Trayvon's dad as a present for him," he raps.
Eminem, who just celebrated his 44th birthday, also goes after the GOP nominee in a lengthy diss verse. "And that's what you wanted, a f--king loose cannon who's blunt with his hand on the button who doesn't have to answer to no one? Great idea," he raps.

"If I was president, getting off is the first order of business once I get in office."
The Detroit rapper released the song on his Twitter page, where he also told his 20.8 million followers "Don't worry I'm working on an album! Here's something meanwhile."
There's no saying if "Campaign Speech" will be on his forthcoming album, but based on this intense rap it's clear Eminem hasn't lost his spitfire touch. He hasn't released an album on his own since 2013's Marshall Mathers LP 2, but he did work on the Shady Records complication album Shady XV in 2014. He also contributed music and executive produced the soundtrack to the boxing film Southpaw last year.
Listen to the explicit "Campaign Speech" in the video above.

Shailene Woodley Pleads Not Guilty to Criminal Trespassing After Dakota Access Pipeline Protest

Shailene Woodley, Mugshot
Courtesy of Morton County Sheriff
Shailene Woodley is maintaining her innocence.
The Fault in Our Stars star pleaded not guilty to charges of criminal trespass and engaging in a riot, E! News confirms.
While she was not physically in the North Dakota courtroom on Wednesday, her attorney Alexander Reichert entered the plea on her behalf and also entered a waiver of appearance so that she would not have to be physically present.
Currently, there is no court date set.
On Oct. 10, the actress was protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline when she was initially arrested. At the time, Woodley was recording the peaceful protest live on Facebook and the hour-long video has since garnered nearly five million views.
"I don't know if you guys just heard me, but I was walking back to my RV, which is right there so that we can go back to camp peacefully and they grabbed me by my jacket and said that I was not allowed to continue," she told viewers. "And they had giant guns and batons and zip ties and they're not letting me go."
"Alright I'm being arrested," she continued. "Because I was trespassing like everyone else, but as soon as you guys asked me to leave, I l left. She was down there, everybody was down there. I'm being arrested. I was down there with everybody else. I don't know what's going on? As soon as they came, I left… it's because I'm well known. It's because I have 40,000 people watching."
The Morton County Sheriff confirmed to E! News that 26 other people had also been arrested. 

FA asks Mourinho to explain comments about Anthony Taylor


The Football Association (FA), has contacted Manchester United coach, Jose Mourinho, to ask him for explanation over his comments he made about referee Anthony Taylor, ahead of Monday’s 0-0 draw with Liverpool at Anfield.
During his pre-match news conference, Mourinho said Altrincham-based Taylor would struggle to have “a very good performance”.
“I think Mr Taylor is a very good referee but I think somebody with intention is putting such a pressure on him that I feel that it will be difficult for him to have a very good performance,” he said.
After the game, Mourinho also spoke about Taylor’s performance.
“He had a good game and I am happy for him because people with responsibilities put a lot of pressure on him and it was very difficult for him to have a good performance, which he had,” he said.
Mourinho has until 6pm on Friday, to respond to the FA and is at risk of getting a ban.
The Portuguese has previously been punished by the FA over refereeing issues.

Find your way out of marriage if it is abusive – Omotola Ekeinde

Popular Nollywood actress, Omotola Jalade Ekeinde, has stated that no one has an excuse to see marriage as a challenge except for where there are cases of domestic violence and abuse. She advised couple to find their way out of a marriage only if it is abusive.
Speaking with the Nation, the mother of four, who recently marked the 20th anniversary of her marriage to Capt. Matthew Ekeinde, said, “There’s no relationship without its challenge. When people hear that we are celebrated twenty years, they think we must be really without stress or anything, but I just want to let people know that if you are determined to do it in life, if you are determined to make it, you will make it. You have troubles in life generally anyway; either with your parents, or with your siblings.

Women's Health Tips for Heart, Mind, and Body

Looking for the path toward a healthier you? It's not hard to find. The journey begins with some simple tweaks to your lifestyle. The right diet, exercise, and stress-relief plan all play a big role.

Follow a Heart-Healthy Diet

There's an easy recipe if your goal is to keep away problems like heart disease and strokes.
  • Eat more fruits and veggies.
  • Choose whole grains. Try brown rice instead of white. Switch to whole wheat pasta.
  • Choose lean proteins like poultry, fish, beans, and legumes.
  • Cut down on processed foods, sugar, salt, and saturated fat.
When eating healthy, flexibility often works best, says Joyce Meng, MD, assistant professor at the Pat and Jim Calhoun Cardiology Center at UConn Health. If you like to follow a strict diet plan, go for it. If not, it's OK. "Find what works for you."
Tricia Montgomery, 52, the founder of K9 Fit Club, knows first-hand how the right diet and lifestyle can help. For her, choosing healthy foods and planning small, frequent meals works well. "I don't deny myself anything," she says. "I still have dessert -- key lime pie, yum! -- and I love frozen gummy bears, but moderation is key."

Exercise Every Day

The more active you are, the better, Meng says. Exercise boosts your heart health, builds muscle and bone strength, and wards off health problems.
Aim for 2 and a half hours of moderate activity, like brisk walking or dancing, every week. If you're OK with vigorous exercise, stick to 1 hour and 15 minutes a week of things like running or playing tennis. Add a couple of days of strength training, too.
If you're busy, try short bursts of activity throughout the day. Walk often. A good target is 10,000 steps a day. Take the stairs. Park your car far away from your destination.
Montgomery exercises every day, often with her dog. By adding lunges, squats, and stairs to a walk, she turns it into a power workout. "I also am a huge Pilates fan," she says.

Lose Weight

When you shed pounds you'll lower your risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer.

Aim for a slow, steady drop. Try to lose 1-2 pounds a week by being active and eating better.
"It doesn't have to be an hour of intense exercise every day," Meng says. "Any little bit helps."
As you improve, dial up the time and how hard you work out. If you want to lose a lot of weight, try for 300 minutes of exercise a week.
"Eating a healthy diet will go a long way," Meng says. Start by cutting sugar, which she says is often hiding in plain sight -- in store-bought items like salad dressing, packaged bread, and nuts. Try to avoid soda and sugar-laced coffee drinks, too.

Visit Your Doctor

Get regular checkups. Your doctor keeps track of your medical history and can help you stay healthy. For example, if you're at risk for osteoporosis, a condition that weakens bones, he may want you to get more calcium and vitamin D.
Your doctor may recommend screening tests to keep an eye on your health and catch conditions early when they're easier to treat.
Keep the lines of communication open. "If you have questions, ask your doctor," Meng says. "Make sure you understand things to your satisfaction." If you're worried about a medication or procedure, talk to him about it.

Cut Down Your stress

It can take a toll on your health. You probably can't avoid it altogether, but you can find ways to ease the impact. Don't take on too much. Try to set limits with yourself and others. It's OK to say no.
To relieve stress, try:
  • Deep breathing
  • Meditation
  • Yoga
  • Massage
  • Exercise
  • Healthy eating
  • Talking to a friend, family member, or professional counselor

Create Healthy Habits

If you make the right choices today, you can ward off problems tomorrow.
  • Brush your teeth twice a day and floss every day.
  • Don't smoke.
  • Limit your alcohol. Keep it to one drink a day.
  • If you have medication, take it exactly how your doctor prescribed it.
  • Improve your sleep. Aim for 8 hours. If you have trouble getting shut-eye, talk to your doctor.
  • Use sunscreen and stay out of the sun from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  • Wear your seatbelt.
Take time every day to invest in your health, Meng says.
It paid off for Montgomery. She says she overcame health problems, feels good, and has a positive outlook. "My life," she says, "is forever changed."

Saturday 15 October 2016

15 Most Beautiful Women In The World

#15 Nina Dobrev 

She is said to be the most beautiful lady in the world. She is a Bulgarian Canadian model and actress. She was born in Bulgaria but raised in Canada. Nina Dobrev has showed and appeared in many feature films, including Runaway Pieces, Never Cry Werewolf, Away From Her and participated in a series of the drama. It is known that Acting is her passion, and she likes to travel which is her hobby. She started acting at Armstrong Acting Studios in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The movie by which she is known to all is Perks of being a Wallflower.

Image Credit:

#14 Emmanuelle Chriqui

She is an actress that hails from Canada. Emmanuelle Chriqui was giving birth to in Montreal, Quebec. She is popularly known for her presentation on HBO’s Entourage. Her career started when she was 10 years old. Emmanuelle Chriqui was recommended for a Best Actress DVD Exclusive Award for her performance in 100 Girls. And also she was best known for the movie she participated in which is “You Don’t Mess with the Zohan “During the year (2008)
Image Credit:

#13 Jessica Alba
She is an actress that hails from the United States of America, She is also a model and a businesswoman. She started her acting career when she was 13 years old. Jessica Alba has had a very different image. She has different kind of roles from the beginning of her career. The Best known for a movie that are popularly known are Sin City and Fantastic Four.
Image Credit:

#12 Dianna Agron
She is an actress that hails from the United States of America, She is a dancer and singer. She is also the co-editor and music, creator of the art and photography website You, Me, and Charlie. She was given birth to in Savannah, Georgia. She began dancing when she was three (3) years old. Most of her time is spent performing. She has been also presented in various commercials. Best known movie that got her popular is I am number four.
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#11 Monica Bellucci
She is an actress that hails from Italy, and she is also a fashion model. She began her career as an actress during the time she was 13. She began design demonstrating while she was still in the university for extra money. She also appeared in a black and white TV commercial for Dolce & Gabbana. She was regarded as the most beautiful woman in the world by the people in French who viewed her. Her Best known movie is Melena, which was produced in the year (2000).
Image Credit:

#10 Olivia Wilde
She is an actress that hails from the United States of America, She is also a producer and a screenwriter. She was given birth to in New York City and was brought up in Washington. Until she later got to be known for the part, she played on The O.C. as Alex Kelly. She also has dual citizenship in the United States and Ireland. She also presented in the movie The Girl Next Door.
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#9 Scarlett Johansson
Scarlett Johansson is an actress that hails from America, She is also a model and singer and was given birth to in New York City. Her love for acting flourished at a young age and started her career in the film North in 1994. She was later recommended for two Golden Globe Award in the year 2003.
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#8 Penelope Cruz
She is said to be the most beautiful woman in the world. She was given birth to in Spain, and she is also a Spanish model and actress. She started acting at the age of on television. Penelope Cruz has modeled for Ralph Lauren, L’Oréal, and Mango. She began her career at an agency audition. The film that is her huge hit and made her popular is all about my mother that was produced during the year (1999). Penelope Cruz won one Oscar for the best presentation in a supporting role in Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2008).
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#7 Hayden Panettiere
She is an actress that hails from America, She is known to be a singer and an activist. She was brought forth in New York City. Hayden Panettiere was first presented in a commercial when he was 11 months old. She has been connected with different sorts of animated movies. Swimming is her hobby. She was recommended for two Golden Globe awards for the Supporting Role in a Series in 2013 and 2014 which she played.
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#6 Angelina Jolie
She is an actress that hails from America and is also film executive. Angelina Jolie started her acting vocation at a young age with her father. She later became famous for the part she played in Lara Croft. Her biggest hit is the fantasy film that she acted as the central character Maleficent (2014).She has been presented with awards such as three Golden Globe Awards and nominated one academy award. Angelina Jolie is now married to a famous actor known as Brad Pitt. She is mostly admired by people because of her glossy lips.
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#5 Charlize Theron
She is regarded as one of the beautiful ladies in the world. Charlize Theron was given birth to in Benoni in South Africa. She is an actress and also a ballet dancer. She began her career when she was young and became a fashion model at the age of 14. She has now upgraded to producing films and television drama.
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#4 Meryem Uzerli
She is a gorgeous and talented Turkish-German actress and model. She is attractive with her blue eyes that are mostly admired by a lot of people. Her mother is also known to be an actress. She started acting at Frese working studio from the year 2000 to 2003.
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#3 Keira Knightley
She was given birth to in London and is an actress as well as a singer. She started acting while she was still a child in the year 1995. Her biggest Hit movie is the Pirates of the Caribbean. She won various awards such as Golden Globe nominations and Academy Award.
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#2 Olga Kurylenko
She is an actress and model that hails from France. She started her acting career at the age of 12. Her biggest hit began with the movie video game she featured in Hitman. She was prepared to move at the age of 16. She is regarded as one of the most charming and beautiful women in the world.
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#1 Anne Hathaway
She is an actress that hails from America. She presented on television in 1999 after various stage performances. She was also rewarded with a nomination for Academy Award.
Image Credit:

Wearing a Fitness Tracker Won’t Necessarily Lead to Weight Loss

Adding a fitness tracker to your weight-loss routine might not help you shed pounds faster, researchers at the University of Pittsburgh are cautioning. In fact, they recently found that people who used wearable technology actually lost less weight than those who logged their exercise manually.
Their study, published this week in JAMA, concludes that such devices “may not offer an advantage over standard behavioral weight-loss approaches.” But the researchers also point out that the way people use fitness trackers is very individualized. Their findings suggest that using them to slim down won’t work for everyone, they say—not that it won’t work for anyone.
John Jakicic, PhD, a distinguished professor in the department of health and physical activity, designed this study to see what would happen when wearable activity trackers were given to people who were already involved in a weight-loss program. So he and his colleagues recruited 470 overweight men and women, ages 18 to 35, and gave them instructions about limiting their daily calories and getting more physical activity.
The participants met for weekly check-ins for half a year, during which they all lost weight. “We generally see really good effectiveness for the first six months on these types of programs, then things start to slip away,” says Jakicic. “We thought if we added an activity tracker to what we know is an already pretty good intervention, that would make it better—that it would boost the effectiveness.”
But they actually found the opposite: When they divided the participants into two groups, and asked them to either wear an activity tracker or record their physical activity manually on a website for the next year and a half, the latter group came out on top. 
People in the fitness tracker group lost, on average, 7.7 pounds since the start of the study two years prior, while those in the self-tracking group lost an average of 13 pounds. “We were pretty shocked,” says Jakicic.
Another surprise? Those who wore fitness trackers didn’t even get more physical activity than those who didn’t. Both groups did see improvements—in body composition, fitness level, diet, and the amount of exercise they got each week—but there were no significant differences between the two.
But, Jakicic stresses, these results only focus on the overall picture. “That doesn’t mean that fitness trackers aren’t beneficial to some people,” he says. In fact, there were individuals in the study who lost lots of weight using a wearable tracker, just as there were people who didn’t lose much in the self-tracking group.
“There are a lot of people out there who live and die by these things,” he says. “They love it and it engages them and keeps them involved, and that’s really important. We’re not saying don’t use it if it’s working for you.”
If, however, you’ve been wearing a tracker and you’re not losing weight, this study may serve as a wake-up call of sorts. “We think it could be that people are paying so much attention to the tracker that they’re losing sight of all the other things that need to happen,” says Jakicic. “Maybe your tracker is telling you you’re doing well, so you take the liberty of eating another cookie or another cupcake.”  
Another possibility, he says, is that people who play an active role in recording their fitness data—by keeping track and physically writing it down or typing it into a computer—may hold themselves more accountable than those who use trackers.
“When you use a program like the one we used in our study, you’re taking responsibility,” he says. “You say, ‘I exercised for 30 minutes today,’ and you’re engaged in that process; you’re not relying on a device or a machine to do it for you. So maybe you have to be engaged and hands-on at that level for it to really be effective.”
The fitness trackers used in the study were BodyMedia Core Fit armbands, which connect to a website where users can view their progress. The self-tracking group used a computer program set up specifically for the study, but Jakicic says it’s similar to commercially available apps and websites like MyFitnessPal.
The researchers are now analyzing their findings more closely, to look for patterns among those study participants who did seem to benefit, from a weight-loss standpoint, from wearing fitness trackers.
“We don’t know yet what makes these people different from anyone else,” say Jakicic. “If we can identify people with certain characteristics that will really be motivated by these devices—and other people who won’t—then we can hopefully make some really helpful recommendations.”