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Saturday 23 July 2016

5 Excellent Exercises For Knee Pain Relief

5 Excellent Exercises For Knee Pain Relief
Knee – a joint that carries a heavy load on a daily basis. And at every step, knees depreciate roughly three times of body weight.
Pain in joints usually indicates the beginning of arthrosis which is the loss of the cartilage of the knee. At every step, the knee depreciated roughly triple body weight, but after only 30 years of age, the cartilage gradually begins to be spent. Elastic tissue that protects the bones begins to disappear.
From knee pain mostly suffers athletes and overweight people. But unhealthy diet can also cause this issue. Especially if your diet is deficient in minerals and calcium.
Fortunately, it can be prevented, or at least postponed, with proper exercise and healthy diet.
6 Excellent exercises for knee pain relief:
  1. Exercise No 1
knee 1
Lay down on a flat and stable surface.
Bellow the knees put a pillow or a rolled towel to support them.
Bend one leg and keep the other straighten.
Lift the lower part of the straighten leg with the feet bent towards your body.
Hold in this position for 6 seconds with maximally tight thigh muscles.
The knee should constantly be in touch with a folded object below.
Repeat the exercise 10 times in one series. It is necessary to do three sets, with a break of 1 minute between sets.
Tha maximum load you can add onto your legs is 2 kg.
  1. Exercise No 2
knee 2
You can do the same exercise on the chair.
Sit on a stable surface (table or high chair), while your lower legs are relaxed and dangling over the edge of the chair.
Then straighten the leg at the knee and keep the end position 6 seconds.
You can use the load (“saddlebags”) up to 3 kg.
  1. Exercise No 3
knee 4
Lie down on the back and bend one leg at the knee.
Then lift the bent leg in the air and keep it straighten.
And stay in that position fo 6 seconds.
You should do three series with ten repeats with both legs. Make 1-minute pause between the series.
In addition, if you have a lower back pain then do not lift your leg higher than 20 cm and keep the other leg bent at the knee.

  1. Exercise No 4
knee 3
Lay on the side.
Keep one leg on the floor.
The other one lift up in the air, straighten.
Lift for 30-40 cm from the ground. Repeat this ten times in one series.
Do three sets, then switch the sides and repeat.
The maximum weight for the leg is 1 kg.

  1. Exercise No 5
knee 6
Now, turn around and lay on your stomach.
Keep one leg on the floor and the other one lift in the air, 10-15 cm from the ground.
Do not lift your pelvis from the floor, just one leg.
Repeat this ten times in one series. Do three sets with each leg!
But the knee pain will not just vanish.
Therefore, you need to be very careful and persistent.
I hope you will enjoy the workout!


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