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Saturday 23 July 2016

Beat Anemia With Food – Best Allies In Battle With Anemia

The most common anemia is an iron deficiency anemia.
Beat Anemia With Food – Best Allies In Battle With AnemiaFrom the lack of iron suffers 20% of women, 50% of pregnant women and 3% of men.
People that suffer from this type of anemia feel tired, weak and irritated. And that is because the lack of iron leads to decrease a level of red blood cells, and your body can not produce enough hemoglobin, so the red blood cells can not carry oxygen through the bloodstream.
Anemia can, besides iron-deficiency, be caused by significant blood loss during trauma or surgery. A common cause of anemia among women of a reproductive stage is an excessive bleeding during their menstrual cycle.
Symptoms of anemia can occur in the form of reduced physical strength, weakened immunity and poorer ability to concentrate.
Every organism has some reserves of iron that is consumed. But when this storage is depleted, a manifestation of symptoms starts, and it is necessary to make up for lost.
And a diet rich in iron is certainly one of the main factors that can help you in the battle with anemia.
So here is the list of the foods that are the best allies in combat with anemia:

1. Red Meat, Fish and Poultry
anemia 1Darker meat contains a large amount of iron and liver is the primary warehouse and rich sources of this mineral. Especially beef and chicken liver.
Beef meat has the most iron, and behind it there is a lamb, then pork and at the end of the list is poultry. Turkey is also an excellent source of iron.
Seafood, especially oysters, clams, mollusks and mussels, are the richest source of iron.
Behind them on the list are sea fish, such as salmon, tuna, sardines and swordfish.

2. Beet
 If you are anemic, eat beet as much as possible.anemia 2
This vegetable is rich in iron and helps in purifying the blood.
Beetroot also contains carotenoid and a high concentration of some vital nutrients such as manganese, copper and phosphorus.
It also contains a small amount of or calories which are ideal for people who are on a diet.

3. Spinach
Spinach is an excellent fighter against anemia as it contains as much as 25% of the required amount of iron on a daily basis.anemia 3
This green leaf vegetable is also a great source of vitamins from group B, C, A and K, and manganese, Mangan, etc.
In addition to spinach, a rich source of iron is another green vegetables and herbs, such as kale, broccoli, asparagus, nettles, etc.

4. Grains
Grains such as brown rice, oats, millet and wheat contain significant levels of iron.anemia 4 1
For example, if you eat cereals that contain whole grains for breakfast, you can provide 100% of the recommended daily value.
If you add a glass of orange juice within that type of meal, then you can expect a high level of iron absorption.

5. Pulses
Pulses, in addition to cereals, are one of the richest sources of iron.anemia 5
Beans, chickpeas and lentils provide between 4 and 7 mg of iron.
For example, boiled soybeans contain 9 mg of iron in one cup.
Soy products such as soy milk, veggie burger and tofu are also important sources of this mineral, especially in the diet of vegetarians.

6. Fruits
While most fruits do not contain sufficient amounts of iron, it helps its absorption which makes it a valuable addition to the diet.anemia 6
Dried fruits such as grapes, apricots and plums contain the most iron.
Fruits rich in vitamin C (oranges, strawberries, melon, grapefruit) increases the absorption of iron.
Walnuts also serve as an excellent source of iron, especially almonds and Brazil nuts.
Good sources are also blueberry and blackberry wine.
Bananas are especially recommended to the people that suffer from anemia because bananas contain significant amounts of iron that contribute hemoglobin formation in the blood, which helps fight anemia.

7. Herbs
If you suffer from anemia, choose to drink tea instead of coffee.anemia 7
Teas from anise, caraway, cumin, mint and nettle are the best choice since they increase iron absorption.
Also, when cooking try to use more parsley. You can also add fresh parsley into the salad.


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