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Friday 15 July 2016

7 Foods You Must Avoid If You Wanna Lose Weight

If you want to lose weight you do not need to give up all the foods and drinks you love.
The best diet is a balanced diet. That means that the healthiest solution is to consume all the foods, but in normal proportions.
Nevertheless, there are some foods and drinks that you should try to avoid if you want to achieve better results.
Check out these seven foods and drinks you should cut out of your diet if you want to lose weight
These foods are not nutritious and your body doesn’t need them.

1. Snacks full of carbohydrates lose weight biscuits
When you eat crackers, dry cereals and bread your body converts them into the simple sugars and send them directly into your bloodstream.

In response to the sugar rush, your body will produce more and more insulin which helps your body to absorb all that sugar.

As a result, your blood sugar levels will drop and you will just fell hunger. That false feeling of hunger will make you eat more and more. Something like enchanted circle.
But carbohydrates are not unhealthy if you consume the right ones.
The point is to eat a snack that includes a combination of carbohydrates, healthy fats and proteins. Those meals will keep you full longer and stop you from overeating.

2. Frozen Mealslose weight frozen meal
Frozen meals are tricky.
Food companies add a lot of additives in those foods so they can stay fresh longer. The primary additive they add is Sodium.
Sodium retains water in your body that causes bloating.
And that is something you don’t want to happen if you want to lose weight. If you are bloated you will not have a right state of your weight.

3. Snacks Rich In Fiberlose weight peanut
You must be asking: ‘How not to eat foods that are rich in fiber?’
Yes, fibers are a great and healthy dietary supplement because they keep your digestive system works correctly.
Fibers also make you stay full longer.
But what you do not need are snacks that contain the daily dose of fibers which is around 25 grams whit a diet that doesn’t include fibers.
Your daily income of fibers must be constant trough the whole day if you want to alleviate hunger, improve digestion and prevent stomach problems.
Instead of snacks add foods that are naturally rich in fibers like fruits and vegetables.

4. ‘No Fat’ Foodslose weight low fat
Studies have shown that people eat approximately 30% more food if it’s labeled as ‘non-fat’ than the foods that have a standard percent of fat.
And those non-fat products bring much greater problems than overeating.
When manufacturers remove fat from foods, it becomes tasteless.
To compensate, they often add sugar. And you all know that sugar is a much worst choice if you want to lose weight.

5. Drinks with ‘artificial sweeteners.’weight lose artificial sweeteners
Say goodbye to all dietary juice and every sweet drink that mysteriously have zero calories!
Some people react to artificial sweeteners that they right after those drinks go on and eat and ice cream and other desserts.
These statements are not proven, but some studies give that results.
On the other hand, chemicals are not healthy so it is better to stick to water or lemonade.
Sparkling water is also a good choice. It contains carbon dioxide which makes you feel a sieve and, therefore, eat less.

6. Cereals In Large Packs lose weight cereals
The same goes for family packs.
Recent studies have shown that people consume approximately 22% more food when eaten from big bags.
When people know they have more food available, unwittingly are forcing themselves to eat more.
The same applies to the food bought at discount prices.
It does not mean that you should stop buying food at reduced prices or in economical packages.
Just make sure that you enter the portions and avoid eating directly out of the bag.

7. Alcohol
No expert in weight loss will not recommend you to consume alcohol if you want to lose weight. lose weight alcohol
Some alcohol drinks have more calories and some have fewer calories.
But either way, alcohol is not a good ally in weight loss process.
It contains empty calories that do not provide sufficient nutrients.
If you consume too much alcohol, you get a distorted picture of how your body looks. And so intoxicated you will never decide to eat salad. Pizza always sound better!


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