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Saturday 9 July 2016

Effective & Unusual Beauty Tips Are Hard To Find

Since 2006, we have created different all-natural programs that can quickly turn any AVERAGE looking man or woman to look absolutely GORGEOUS without spending a fortune. Best of all, these all-natural beauty enhancers work for pennies and has helped hundreds of thousands of people to…

  • Get rid of chubby cheeks and double chin
  • Smooth or prevent forehead wrinkles
  • Lift that sagging skin around your neck
  • Improve your drooping eyes, and restore eyebrow symmetry
  • Go from an O-face to a V-face with a more defined facial features
  • Get back that younger-looking face and turn heads again!

Botox is expensive. We all know that. And we all know it does have some dangers.  You don’t even want to know what chemicals make up this facial treatment.
A more natural, not to mention cheaper, alternative to Botox is through the use of egg whites. Albumen, a type of protein, is considered nature’s face lift and egg whites have a lot of that.
To do this, separate the egg whites from the egg yolks. You can use the egg yolks for a different purpose later on (perhaps for your hair). Mix the egg whites with a few drops of lemon juice and use cotton to apply it to your face. Don’t spread it on to your eyes, mouth, and neck though. Leave this on for 20 minutes before washing in cold water.
Best for oily skin, you can do this at least twice a week for better results.  This simple homemade mask can do wonders.
And to take it a step further, you can even use the egg yolks for a different recipe to reduce facial wrinkles and smooth the skin out to prevent dry skin. Add a teaspoon of sugar on the egg yolks; whisk it vigorously and apply the mixture to your face. You can also use it on the neck. Wash it off after 25 minutes with water and finish the treatment with soft cloth.

Another great natural item is…Olive oil.
Olive oil is no longer just found on kitchen counters; it already finds its way on our boudoir.
Needless to say, olive oil is now used for beauty purposes.
If you have no idea what olive oil can do, here are some of the new uses of olive oil.
Try one or two of these tips at home, then come back for more!
For the Skin
Skin Moisturizer
Olive oil contains Vitamin E apart from its antioxidant properties.
It can be lathered on the body for a more supple skin.
As such, olive oil can be a substitute to lotion. You just have to add 2 to 3 tablespoons of olive oil into a hot bath.
Skin Exfoliant
Olive oil can be mixed with other ingredients like sugar to create a sort of exfoliating cream.
Such a cream must be applied on dry and dark of the skin like knees and elbows.
It can be also applied on the face to remove dead skin cells.

Skin Cleanser
Olive oil has amazing cleansing properties hence it can be used as a cleanser.
Olive oil penetrates deep down the pores, removing dirt and other particles in the process.
Simply, massage the olive oil in the skin and remove the residue with a warm washcloth.
Skin Healer
As it moisturizes the skin, olive oil can be also used in smoothing and healing the skin particularly the acne scars.
A few drops of olive oil lathered onto the scar everyday can lighten and flatten acne scars.

For the Hair:
Hair Conditioner
Warm olive oil can be mixed with a cup of cooled boiled water and be used as a hair conditioner.
Apply 4 to 5 tablespoons (or as necessary) of the mixture onto your dampened hair before massaging into the hair ends avoiding the scalp.
Let the mixture sit for about 20 minutes before washing your hair.

Hair Mask
Olive oil, about 2 tablespoons, should be combined with a ½ cup of mayonnaise and an egg to create mask mixture.
Afterwards, apply the mixture to the hair, working your way up from the ends. Avoid putting the mixture on your scalp.
Leave it on for about 20 minutes before washing your hair as usual.
Hair Repairer
Warm olive oil can be applied to damaged hair. Afterwards, wrap it with a towel and let it sit for about 20 minutes.
Remove the olive oil residue by showering as usual. Do this for once a week.
This is also perfect for taming frizzy hair, leaving it smoother and more manageable after each treatment.

For the face:
Face Mask
Olive oil can be mixed with any commercial face mask. However, you may also make your own face mask.
For dry facial skin, mix one tablespoon of smashed avocado, one tablespoon olive oil, and one tablespoon honey.
For oily and acne prone facial skin, mix the egg white of one egg and a tablespoon of honey, milk and olive oil.
For both, apply the mixture on the face for 20 minutes to 1 hour before washing it as usual.
Facial Exfoliant
Olive oil (1/4 cup) can be mixed with ½ cup of brown sugar and 2 Vitamin E capsules to make a facial scrub.
Mix all the ingredients and then apply and massage it on your face. Scrub the face for about a minute before washing it as usual.

Shaving Cream
Spray a few amount of olive oil on the area to be shaved for a smoother and silkier finish, and save yourself from the chemical preservatives contained in commercial shaving cream.
Wash the area as usual after shaving.
Makeup Remover
Olive oil can be placed into a small spray bottle.
Mix it with water before shaking well. Make sure that the olive oil is well diluted. Moisten a cotton ball with the olive oil-water mixture and then, wipe the makeup off your face.
Wipe the makeup off completely and wash your face afterwards.

Makeup Brush Conditioner
Makeup brush harbors bacteria hence you have to clean it, too.
Get one paper towel and then put a few drops of olive oil into it.
Swirl the makeup brush around on the paper towel.
Next, rinse the brush using an alcohol-free shampoo or any cleanser for softer, shinier, and cleaner makeup brush.

For the lips:
Lip Balm
Mix a tablespoon of olive oil with a tablespoon of honey.
Next, put it on your lips using your finger for smoother and moistened lips throughout the day.
Put it in a small container so that you may use it. However, it can be only used on the same day the mixture is prepared.

Lip Exfoliant
Olive oil can be used on chapped lips. Olive oil can be used in removing dead skin cells on your lips.
Mix granulated sugar with a tablespoonful of olive oil.
Make sure that there is more sugar than olive oil. Mix it until you achieve the desired consistency.
Then, massage the mixture onto the lips and let it penetrate your lips better.
Wipe it off with a clean washcloth afterwards.

For the hands and feet:
Cuticle Protector
Aside from moisturizing the entire hands and feet, it can be used in protecting and repairing the cuticles against any damage.
Just apply a few drops of olive oil on the nails, letting it penetrate the sides of each nail. Wash it as usual afterwards.

When you hear the word ‘olive oil’, you automatically think of cooking. However, olive oil is no longer confined in the kitchen.
In fact, olive oil is increasingly becoming popular as a beauty product it can be used on the entire body including the skin, face, hair, lips, and hands and feet.


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