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Monday 11 July 2016

5 Most Effective Exercises For Flat Lower Belly

Lower belly is the most problematic area for a high number of women.
This body part demand the most workout and effort if you want it to be flat.
But it’s not just the exercises. Exercises are only 50% of the work and the other 50% are the diet and proper nutrition.
So throw away all that sodas and junk food. Those are the biggest enemies for your body if you want to get rid of that body fat.

But our subject today is to show you the most efficient exercises for flat lower belly, check them out:

1.Double Leg Lift
In this exercise, you need to lay on your back with your legs bent at the knees.
Cross your hands in the triangle and put them under your tail bone, supporting it.
Extend your legs up.
Now, keep your legs straighten and slowly move them down and then up. But do not touch the floor with your feet.
If this is too heavy for you, you can slightly bend your legs at the knees and repeat the same. Up and down and not touching the floor.

After the exercise, bring your knees to the chest and hug them. Roll back and forward to relax those lower belly muscles.
After you do it you are ready to go to the next one!

2. Reverse Crunch
The next one is the Reverse Crunch.
Stay on your back, lift your legs up with bent knees and cross your ankles.
Put your arms to lay next to your body and relax the shoulders.
Your knees should be right above your hips.
Now lift your lower body up and slowly go down.
If you are a beginner, just a mini lift will do the job too.

3. Heel Clicks
Exercise number three – The Heel Clicks.
Go back to the position from the exercise number one.
Put your crossed hands under the tail bone supporting it.
Straighten your legs up and slowly move them downwards until you make a 45 degrees angle with the floor.
Now hold them in that position(this is hard) and start taping those hills.
Press your legs and keep your back all the way on the floor.
If you can put, your legs lower and repeat.

After the exercise repeat that relaxing technique before you go to the next one.

4. Cheerleader L’S
Bend your right knee and press it to the chest. Hug it with your arms.
Keep your left leg straighten but do not touch the floor.
Lift your abs up and look forward (not up).
Extend the right leg up, inhale, keep you hands next to your body in the air, lift your shoulders and hold!
Now switch the legs with no break and hold!

Do that relaxing technique and prepare yourself for the finale.

5. The Rocket
The rocket is the combination of a few exercises, a little challenging but it is the best move if you want that lower belly flat and firm!
Like in the Cheerleader L’S, keep your legs straighten, one up in the air and one straightens down but not touching the floor.
Lift your shoulders and put your hand behind your neck.
Now, you will twist the opposite shoulder with the opposite knee, turn the legs and repeat. And repeat!

Keep those legs and shoulder up, don’t touch the floor!


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