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Thursday 14 July 2016

Is A Brighter Smile This Easy? Try These 10 Tricks And You Tell Us

When you think about accessorizing your wardrobe, put aside the necklaces, earrings, and rings.
Consider making a statement with a brighter smile.
Rather than the typical “do not do” list, here are 10 tricks for fresh breath and a brighter smile.

Keeping a Brighter Smile
No need to over-accessorize yourself when you have a killer smile

1.Use Baking Soda
Baking soda is known as an active ingredient in teeth whitening products, as well as hydrogen peroxide. These two ingredients combined form a powerful surface level stain removing team. For those with sensitive gums, form this mixture into a thick paste. Then apply it directly to your teeth and let it sit for two minutes. Then, brush and rinse as usual.
Check out this short video clip we found for you demonstrating how to use baking soda to whiten your teeth:

2. Swish Around Apple Cider Vinegar
Since it’s an acid, apple cider vinegar is great at whitening teeth. It’s also used to kill bacteria in the mouth, helping freshen your breath. It doesn’t take much, just use two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar diluted with ¼ cup of water. Brush afterward so it doesn’t wear the enamel down on your teeth.

3. Snack on Crunchy Veggies
Crunchy veggies such as broccoli, carrots, and celery are nature’s way of scrubbing your teeth.

4. Switch Up Your Lipstick
Are you heading out after work and need to brighten up your smile? Keep a red lipstick with you. It has a blue undertone that will contrast with yellow undertones. Try NARS Pure Matte Lipstick, Mascate, which is a rich red lipstick. Besides just helping your teeth appear whiter, it contains wild mango butter, great for conditioning your lips.

5. Keep Stains at Bay
You may be familiar with this trick to smile without tiring out. However, this works well to help prevent stains from building up on your teeth in the first place, Place a thin layer of petroleum jelly on your teeth before drinking staining beverages such as coffee or wine.
Freshen Your Breath, Naturally

There are other ways to keep your breath fresh aside from chewing gum

6. Snack on Yogurt
Yogurt is one of the best foods to replace lost good bacteria. This bacteria can help combat the bad bacteria that fester in your mouth causing bad breath. Make it extra potent by adding strawberries which help to freshen your breath and the citric acid whitens teeth.

7. Drink Up Your Water
Besides just being good for you, water keeps your mouth moist and reduce the occurrence of dry mouth. If your mouth is too dry, bad breath can form. If you don’t like water and refuse to buy bottled water as most people do, purchase a fruit infused water bottle and take it with you on the go. You can mix your favorite fruit combinations such as strawberries and pineapple, strawberries and lemon, or orange and blueberry.

8. Brush Your Tongue
You may brush your tongue each day, but still feel that bit of ick built up later on in the day. That’s because plaque and other buildup are hiding in your tongues grooves, something a toothbrush can’t accurately get to. So purchase a tongue scraper and brush it the right way. This eliminates the bacteria and leaves you with fresher breath.

Check out this video on how to properly brush your teeth to keep your breath fresh and have that shiny, pearly white teeth.

9. Cover It Up with Vodka
Are you out on a date and have eaten some pretty non-impressive foods? With no breath mints on hand, sip on some vodka. Vodka – you guessed it -kills bacteria! Eliminate the bacteria, eliminate the bad breath.

10. Choose the Right Herbs
Finally, don’t leave herbs on the table. Parsley and mint leaves are excellent in fighting bad breath. Parsley may seem like just a decorative herb, but the chlorophyll’s antibacterial properties kill the bacteria.
Do you have any teeth whitening or breath freshening tips?


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